Online Coaching Program

Online Coaching

How long does it take to create a new habit? Many of you have heard 21 days, but recent studies have suggested it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days. That’s up to 8 months, sometimes even longer. The length of time depends on many factors including age, stress levels, opposing factors and difficulty of the habit.

We live in a world that promises quick fixes and overnight results. Those methods simply don’t work. Many other well intentioned programs have good nutritional content, but fail to address the emotional aspect to change. Then there is the accountability issue. When we have gentle, daily reminders, we make greater progress.

My online program, provided by Precision Nutrition, lasts for 12 months…one year! If you are serious about lasting change, you need to do it right. The old saying is true, anything worth doing is worth doing well. If you have started a program that fell apart during a stressful week of life, that won’t happen with this program. It is designed to make changes you can do on your worst day. And if you slip for a bit, you pick up and keep going. Here’s the really cool part…if you have a plan that you love, be it nutrition or fitness, but you struggle to stick with it…this coaching program helps you incorporate that plan into your goals.

People Helped

Ask yourself…What is Important to Me? Do I Really Want to Change?

This Program Is Different

Small Changes

You will not be asked to throw out “BAD” foods and dive into an intense workout regime. Sudden, wide-scale change only lasts for a short period of time. Willpower only goes so far. You will have one small, easy habit to practice for two weeks. After that success, you simply add another small habit for the next two weeks. Bit by bit, it adds up to BIG change!

Learn Skills

There is a difference between rules and skills. Think about the diets and exercise programs you’ve tried in the past. Did they bombard you with rules? With this program, you will learn real skills. You will learn how to slow down your eating and why it’s so important. You will learn how to eat carbohydrates and why carbohydrates aren’t evil. Unlike rules, you will have new skills forever!

Back On Track

Here’s the thing with rules…you’re either following them, or you’re not. Skills, you practice, mess up, try again and learn. It’s a progression, not pass or fail. You will get daily lessons, but if you miss a few or a lot, you just pick right back up and keep going. If you get time to go back and do a few lessons you missed, okay. Just remember, if you fall, Get Up Again and keep going!


This program is very easy to follow. You will have your own portal with step by step instructions, but if you have questions along the way, you can reach out to me. I will be receiving your responses to weekly habits and will be in contact with you. You can send messages and questions via your portal too. If you feel like you need a one-on-one session to dig deeper, those are available too. I want you to succeed!

Next Steps to Becoming the Best Possible Version of You

Select A Payment Plan

This is a 12 month coaching program. Your best results come with a full year commitment. You do have the options of a 3 and 6 month commitment, after which you may cancel with a 30 day notice.​

Set Up Your Account

Within 24 hours, you will receive an email with easy instructions to set up your account and answer your questionnaire that helps build your Quick Start Guide.

Personal Quick Start Guide

After you complete your questionnaire, I will email your own personalized quick start guide with helpful information. This guide is specific for you, based on the answers provided in your questionnaire.

Take Your First Steps

You will start receiving daily emails with brief coaching exercises, 15 minutes or less. You can listen to or read the content. Each habit is practiced for two weeks and you can send me questions right from your account.

Easy Payment Options

3 Month Minimum

This is a 12 month program. You will see the best results by completing the entire year. This option requires a 3 month minimum commitment. You may cancel after the 3 months by providing a 30 day cancelation notice. Your plan will continue for the full 12 months without cancelation.

$64 Per Month

6 Month Minimum

This is a 12 month program. You will see the best results by completing the entire year. This option requires a 6 month minimum commitment. You may cancel after the 6 months by providing a 30 day cancelation notice. Your plan will continue for the full 12 months without cancelation. ​

$59 Per Month

1 Year

This is a 12 month program. You will see the best results by completing the entire year. This option requires a 12 month commitment and is not eligible for cancelation.

$54 Per Month

Payment In

This is a 12 month program. You will see the best results by completing the entire year. This option provides the greatest value and is not eligible for cancellation.

$588 Best Value