October 28, 2019January 29, 2021Motivational Progress & Pain https://getupagain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Deadlift.mp4
October 6, 2019January 29, 2021Motivational Healing and Getting Stronger https://getupagain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/bench-140.mp4
July 28, 2019January 29, 2021Motivational Bench Progression https://getupagain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Final-5-pound-bench.mp4
July 22, 2019January 29, 2021Motivational Bench Press Chart Info https://getupagain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ChartInfo.mp4
February 25, 2019January 29, 2021Journey To Japan The Journey Begins Welcome to our journey! Why our journey? Because I take you with […]
January 9, 2019January 29, 2021General, Motivational Are You Waiting To Do This? You are being bombarded with health messages right now. A lot of […]
July 25, 2018January 29, 2021Motivational Why Don’t You Just Quit! Why Don’t You Just Quit! I have heard that over and over […]
July 12, 2018January 29, 2021Client Success, General Do You Time Travel? Do You Time Travel? A lot of life gurus will ask you […]