I believe that everyone, no matter your current size or ability level, has great worth. Health is not just about numbers on a scale or on your clothing. We are all unique, with strengths and weaknesses that blend to create who we are.

I began to struggle with weight issues and depression at the young age of 9 years old. The strain of my home-life took a toll and food became my friend and comfort. I started the familiar journey that many of you are on right now. Try a diet. Lose some weight. Regain more weight. Feel horrible about myself. Gain more weight. Try another diet. On and on the cycle continued.

I came to a point, while completing my B.S. in Psychology, where I realized we are not compartmentalized beings. Our beliefs impact our thoughts. Our thoughts impact our choices. Our choices impact our lives. My weight and food issues couldn’t be fixed with a diet and exercise program alone. My beliefs and thoughts had to be included in the journey to better health if I was to have any hope of succeeding.

I began working on myself through a program that addressed all areas of my life. And guess what happened…over time…I lost 90+ pounds. Why the + after the 90? Because I know now that my pursuit of health means more than pounds lost. I discovered who I am. What brings me joy. I learned to see my life, my health, as a big picture, not just numbers

I met an amazing personal trainer who helped me discover my physical strength again. Growing up, I was taught that strong women were not feminine. They were ugly and should be ashamed. That trainer unlocked my abilities that I had hidden away out of shame and I am now a State Bench Press Record holder who is ranked among the top Masters female bench press lifters in the nation. The gym became a place for me to challenge myself and heal. And PS…I married that amazing trainer who saw beauty in my strength.

I have become an ACE Certified Health Coach and a Precision Nutrition Coach. In addition, I am a Biomechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist who is trained to evaluate your movement patterns for imbalances that can cause or aggravate chronic pain conditions. I use my Joy Restoration and Grief Coaching tools to help people find their passion, discover what joy is to them and to cope with the losses in their lives that can easily derail attempts at attaining better health.

My journey is not over. I don’t strive to hit a certain number on a scale. I no longer hate my body. On the contrary, I am very grateful for all my body does for me. I do not look like the stereotypical trainer/health coach. I am not the industry standard, and I don’t want to be. I am uniquely me. I work hard in the gym 5 days a week. I make healthy choices for my body. I have been there, done that and got the t-shirt. I get it. 

I’m going to tell you the truth, so listen up. Most, meaning almost all, people who struggle with their weight will never reach and maintain their goals. “So why not just give up,” you ask? I believe that even if you don’t win a fight, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth fighting. You may not be a size 8, but your blood work improves and you get off some medications. You may not run that half marathon, but you can easily play with your grandchildren without pain. You may not hit that magic number on a scale, but you are finally happy in your skin and can live without fear.  It’s about becoming a better version of yourself, not unattainable perfection.

I don’t want you to settle. That’s not what I’m saying at all! Quite the opposite. I want you to fight. I want you to make small, lasting changes that make your life better. I never want you to quit. So, Get Up Again…and again…and again. Let’s see how far you can go this time.